Going Deeper… (Revelation 8:1-5)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Revelation 8:1-5), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [1] As God’s plan unfolds, silence falls in heaven. Have you ever felt God to be silent? Have you ever felt like your life had stalled out or stagnated, spiritually speaking? What kinds of questions have those times generated for you? Have you found any particular parts of the Scripture to be helpful during those times?
  • [2] The silence in heaven is part of God’s plan, not the cessation of his plans or work or care for his people. The silence is not the end of the conversation, it is preparation for more. Do you think that perspective can help you through times when it feels like God is silent, still, absent, checked out, uncaring, or not answering your prayers? Can you entrust yourself to a God who incorporates lengthy silences into his relationship with his people? Why or why not?
  • [3-4] The “other angel” is, again, Jesus (see also 7:2). He is our High Priest, carrying his people from the altar of burnt (ascension) offering to the golden altar where he offers our incense-prayers before the throne. Our prayers please and provoke God because Jesus presents them. When you pray to the Father “in Jesus’ name,” do you appreciate the fact that your High Priest is always mediating your prayers? Why do you think your prayers need Jesus’ mediation? Do you feel the need of his mediation? Are you glad of it? Do you think Jesus ever fails to mediate your prayers?
  • God’s unfolding plan includes not only silence, but the scheduled interruption of the silence by our prayers, which both please and provoke him. Can you believe that God loves it when his people pray? Can you believe that God is moved to action when his people pray? Can you believe that God’s plan includes the prayers of his people? Why can these things be difficult to believe? Why are you warranted in believing them, nevertheless?
  • [5] In response to the prayer of his people, Christ fills the church with the fire of the Holy Spirit, and casts them out into the world to set it all on fire. The Spirit comes, the fire spreads, the throne descends, the kingdom advances in the world through the church, particularly through our testimony. The prayers which lead to kingdom advancements are kingdom prayers (e.g., Psalm 141). Do you pray about spiritual matters like salvation, sanctification, enduring faithfulness, and righteous judgment? Do you conceive of your primary identity as a Citizen of Heaven participating in the advancement of that spiritual kingdom in the world? How do you think your life would change if you saw God answer your kingdom prayers? Why would anyone want to pray kingdom prayers?