Going Deeper… (Revelation 3:1-6)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Revelation 3:1-6), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [1] Jesus charges the pastor (and the church) in Sardis with hypocrisy, probably having to do with their unwillingness to be publicly associated with Jesus (see v. 5). Hypocrisy is when you desire to appear one way to others when that contradicts the truth about yourself. What kind of reputation do you have with those outside the church? Do people speak of you as “a good person,” “an authentic person,” or “a relatable person”? Or do they speak of you as someone who is interested in Jesus? Are these things necessarily mutually exclusive? What would happen if people knew you were interested in Jesus but also didn’t think very highly of you? Do you ever struggle with wanting to be respected but also wanting to hide your connection to Jesus? In what scenarios, and why?
  • [2-3] Jesus calls hypocrites to wake up, to come alive to him spiritually. The remedy is to “remember what you have received and heard,” to “keep it, and repent”—to return to the Gospel and stay there. What have you received from God? What have you heard about God? What do you think about remembering these things constantly for the sake of your relationship with God?
  • [4-5] The reward for faithful perseverance is the assurance that you belong to God, that your relationship with Jesus is real. How does one enter into a real relationship with Jesus? How does one continue in a real relationship with Jesus? How does Jesus give you the assurance that your relationship with him is real? Is that assurance important to you?
  • Read Luke 12:1-12. What parallels do you see between this Gospel passage and Revelation 3:1-6? We are tempted to deny our association with Jesus when we are more afraid of the opinions of others than we are interested in our relationship with God. Have you experienced this fear and temptation? (Remember, this message to Sardis is Jesus graciously extending the opportunity to repent of serious failings.) What resources will you turn to if and when you face this fear and temptation (again?) in the future?