Going Deeper… (Revelation 11:15-19)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Revelation 11:15-19), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [15] “The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever.” Read Psalm 2. Is it possible for God and his “Anointed” (“Messiah” or “Christ”) to rule over people who chafe at his rule? Is Jesus the King of the world now? What does the Bible say about that? What does this matter?
  • Jesus’ kingly power is in his self-sacrificial love, in death and resurrection. How is this different from the power of earthly kings and leaders? In what ways are you tempted to prefer the power of earthly kings to Christ’s true power? In what ways do you look to earthly power for security and comfort? In what ways do you wish Jesus would exercise a power unlike the one he wields, in order to make life better for you?
  • The power of Christ’s kingdom will look like the power of the King: self-sacrificial love, death, and resurrection. This power is truly unstoppable, as the trumpets in Revelation proclaim. Does this mean an easy life for those who embrace the ways of the kingdom? Why would you choose to live like Christ in this world? Why might you choose not to do so?
  • [18] God’s plan for bringing his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven often includes stirring up “destroyers” to persecute his people, for those destroyers to see the faithful witness of his people, then for those destroyers to be undone and converted. Does this describe any aspects of your own story of faith? Or your own experience bearing witness to Christ to those who are hostile? When you know that God’s plan can look like this, how does it help you bear witness to Christ?