Going Deeper… (Psalm 96)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Psalm 96), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [1-6] To “sing a new song” means something like the idiomatic expression, “change your tune.” Be converted to worship Yahweh instead of those old worthless gods. Let your heart sing to him now; start telling everybody else about him. Who is to do this, and why? What is the overall tone of these verses? What does this have to do with you?
  • The Triune God is the real Creator God, and all other gods are false. What reservations do you have about telling non-Christians that their gods are worthless idols? (Do those sound like fightin’ words to you?) What are some worthless idols around these here parts? Can you imagine telling others that their old gods are sham gods in a way that comes across like the Good News that it is?
  • This Psalm is a call to worship. We commonly use such passages at the beginning of our liturgy on the Lord’s Day. What are some reasons why the very first word spoken in our worship is God’s Word calling us to worship? Considering these reasons, what should be your response? What actually is your response?
  • [7-8] What does bringing an offering have to do with ascribing glory to Yahweh? Why is the offering a regular part of worship? Is giving a regular part of your worship of the one true God?
  • [9] “Worship is the gift of participating through the Spirit in the incarnate Son’s communion with the Father” (James Torrance). The life of Jesus Christ shows us how God himself would worship if he were a human being. Can you describe how Jesus embodies and reveals true worship in the splendor of holiness? Can you describe how it is that you are enabled to participate in Jesus’ own life of worship? How does that change the way you view participation in the liturgy on the Lord’s Day?
  • [10-13] The fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is King and Judge is seen here as cause for universal celebration. Are you suspicious of his authority and his judgment? Do you know people who laugh at the thought of Christ as King and Judge of all the earth? Why should we rather rejoice and exult that he is King and Judge? How could your life be different if you were always thrilled with the fact that he is your King and Judge?