Going Deeper… (Psalm 22)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Psalm 22), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [1] Have you ever felt forsaken by God? If so, under what circumstances? How would you describe that feeling? Has God actually forsaken you? (Why do you believe what you believe about that last question?)
  • (Read Isaiah 53:3-6; Matthew 27:35-50.) Why did God forsake Jesus? What difference does that make for you?
  • [24] Since God’s Son Jesus prayed this prayer on the cross as one of us, in our place, we can know that any time we pray this prayer, we are joining him where he has already gone, and therefore are not alone. How would your sufferings be transformed if you trusted that he was with you, that he can relate to you in your sufferings, and that your sufferings give you the privilege of knowing him better?
  • [22-26] (Read Isaiah 53:10-12.) Because of the death and resurrection of Jesus, there is now a worshiping community, a congregation that knows communion with God and shares the sure hope of eternal life together. How have you found solace in the church during times of distress? How have you been able to relate to others in the church during their times of distress?
  • [27-31] These verses indicate that God’s salvation of us in Christ (from forsakenness into belonging) is something we will joyfully proclaim to all peoples everywhere throughout all generations. How do you engage in this joyful proclamation? Who are you telling about this Good News?