Going Deeper… (Psalm 2)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Psalm 2), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [1-3] What are some ways you sin/rage against the Lord and his Christ, and try to throw off God’s authority from your life? (Be specific.) Why do you continue to do this when you know God’s authority is good? Why does the Good News of his authority so often sound like bad news to us? Why would you submit yourself to God’s authority? What might that look like as it happened increasingly in your life? (Again, be specific.)
  • [4] “Our God is in the heavens; he does all that he pleases” (Psalm 115:3). Why is God’s heavenly location important to his sovereignty and, therefore, the ridiculous futility of those who try to overthrow him? What is the significance of Christ’s current heavenly location? How can this be a comfort and encouragement to his people?
  • [5-6] At the cross, when God installed his King and revealed his wrath, it was a terrifying moment. Are you terrified by the cross? Why or why not?
  • [7-9] Read Revelation 2:25-27. Our King shares his authority with his people. What does this mean?
  • [10-12] Read 2 Peter 3:8-13. God patiently extends the invitation to be wise, trust in Christ, and find refuge in him. “There is no refuge from him, only in him” (Derek Kidner). What does it mean to “take refuge” in Christ? Why is it “blessed” to do so? What is the substance of the blessing? Are you thankful for these things? Do you extend this invitation to others in your life?