Going Deeper… (Psalm 103)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Psalm 103), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [1-2] Christians often live as if we had never even heard of Jesus, even though he has changed everything for us in the most profound ways. We don’t forget other basic life truths like we forget the spiritual truth that is most important to us. Why do you think we are prone to forget who God is, to forget what he has done for us, to forget what he has said? How often do you forget God? How does it affect you, specifically? What are the symptoms of spiritual amnesia that affect you most? What good do you think it will do for you to become aware of your tendency to forget the Gospel?
  • Spiritually forgetful people should talk to themselves, to remind themselves the truth about God and his grace. Do you regularly—or ever—talk to yourself like David is doing in this Psalm? How could you integrate the deliberate self-application of the Gospel into your daily or weekly routine?
  • [3, 7-12] It’s easy to forget that God forgives us all our sins. David spends a lot of time reciting God’s forgiveness in this Psalm. (The assurance of forgiveness during corporate worship serves as a regular reminder!) What does life look like for a Christian who forgets this foundational good news? What are some good Scripture passages you’ve got in mind to treat this specific aspect of spiritual amnesia? Do you have any good “sermons” to preach to yourself on this topic?
  • What are some other facets of the good news that David recites in this Psalm? What symptoms of spiritual amnesia can be treated here? Can you think of other facets of the good news found elsewhere in Scripture, and what symptoms of spiritual amnesia might be treated by those? (Maybe make a list for times when you or people you know are struggling in those areas!)
  • [20-22] This isn’t just a Psalm for the individual benefit of introverts in conversation only with themselves. When we are able to diagnose our spiritual amnesia and use targeted Gospel treatment on ourselves, we are restored to resonate with our created purpose, we “bless” (extol, praise, speak well of) God, and we call others to do the same. How can you minister to others better when you understand the dynamics of spiritual amnesia and practice its treatment?