Going Deeper… (Matthew 7:21-23)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Matthew 7:21-23), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • Jesus is the Lord. If you would enter the kingdom of heaven, you must appeal to the Lord Jesus, the Judge. Do you believe this? Is this concerning to you? Why would you want to enter the kingdom of heaven? If you were standing before the Lord right now, on what grounds would you appeal to him, to enter his kingdom?
  • Jesus says we cannot appeal to him on the basis of our own works, even if they are good works, impressive works, done in his name. We are entirely at his mercy. Do you feel comfortable and safe being at Jesus’ mercy? Why or why not? Is there someone else you would rather be your Judge? Do you ever wonder whether Jesus might dismiss you from his presence? What kind of assurance would you like about that? Where would you like to find your confidence in hearing a favorable judgment? Does the Gospel have anything to say about having confidence for the Day of Judgment?
  • He doesn’t say that our knowledge of him is what matters, but his knowledge of us, which is beyond our ability to control. His knowing us means a fruitful, intimate relationship where he gets into our lives and pours his love into us through his own Spirit. Our love, then, will be an indication that he does know us, that he is working in our lives by his Spirit. Have you prayed that Jesus would know you (see Psalm 139)? Have you prayed for his life to come alive in you, for the work of his Spirit in you? Have you prayed to be able to love as he has loved, to forgive as he has forgiven you? Are you responding to Jesus in ways that are only possible through the work of his Spirit?
  • FOR THE CHILDREN: When you think about Jesus, how do you respond to him? With fear? Excitement? Appreciation? Submission? Love? Are you interested in entering his kingdom? Why or why not?