Going Deeper… (Matthew 10:5-15)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Matthew 10:5-15), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [7] Jesus opens his life to us and invites us to live as he lives in relationship to the Father and in relation to the world. We are to extend his own ministry by proclaiming the kingdom of heaven (v. 7). How would you define “the kingdom of heaven” so that a small child would understand it? Think of specific people in your life who don’t know Jesus… How would you proclaim the kingdom of heaven to them? Are you praying and looking for opportunities to do this? Why would you want to do this?
  • [8-9] Ministry isn’t about money. The promise of the gospel isn’t about money. What resources do you need in order to tell others about Jesus and his kingdom? What makes us reluctant to do so? How does relating to Jesus by his grace overcome such reluctance?
  • [11-14] We can faithfully respond to the Lord’s call to proclaim the good news of his kingdom, but we can’t control the results, the reactions other people have to us and the gospel we proclaim. It is God’s business to prepare people to receive the gospel. Why is this comforting? Why is this good news, even when others reject the gospel we proclaim? When someone rejects the message of peace you share with them, can you “let your peace return to you,” or does it stress you out? Upon what—or whom—does your peace depend?