Going Deeper… (John 18:1-14)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (John 18:1-14), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [1-4] Rather than having a fear-driven “fight or flight” reaction to conflict, Jesus engaged with his betrayer and enemies. How do you tend to react to conflict, and why? What about conflict frightens you?
  • Why did Jesus engage the way he did? How can we become more like him as we face conflict?
  • [5-6] Jesus reveals himself to his enemies with God’s self-identification: “I am.” They cannot stand before him. Jesus is Lord, we are not, and the inescapable truth of this is either heaven or hell to us. Which is it to you?
  • [7-11] (Read John 10:11, 17-18) Knocking down his enemies by a word is just a setup for the true display of Jesus’ power and authority: his self-sacrificial, saving love. It is now clear that no one takes his life from him, but he gives his own life for the sake of others so they might live. How is this different from the world’s “self-empowerment” idea of authority (embodied by Peter in v. 10)? Can you give examples of the contrast from current events, arts and entertainment, or your own life?
  • [12-14] Jesus’ arrest, “trial,” and public/official execution were a mockery of justice and a complete abuse of power on the part of the ordained clergy and civil authorities. But what they intended for evil, God meant for good (Genesis 50:20). Can you imagine enduring such abuse for love’s sake? Realistically, your sufferings will probably be on a smaller scale—what doubts and temptations would make any such sufferings difficult? What resource(s) do you have that enable you to pick up your cross and follow Jesus in his way of suffering love?