Going Deeper… (John 14:25-31)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (John 14:25-31), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [25-26] What does it mean that the Father will send the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name? What does the Spirit come to do? Why do disciples need help like this? How do you see him working this way in your own life? Are you thankful for this work in your life?
  • [27] The world’s “peace” is contingent upon how well we can manage our circumstances; Jesus freely gives us real peace with God that transcends all our circumstances. Compare and contrast the two types of peace.
  • [31a] Why does Jesus want the world to know that he loves the Father? Does that seem relevant to your life? Why or why not? Is this an important aspect of the Gospel as you want to share it with people in your life? Why or why not? How is this connected to his gift of peace?
  • [31b] Jesus says, “Rise, let us go from here.” He speaks of going out into the night, to the Garden where he will meet his betrayer. “The ‘comfort’ which Jesus gives to his disciples at this moment of parting is not cotton wool for the timid but steel for the courageous” (Lesslie Newbigin). How does the peace of the Holy Spirit help Jesus face his death? How does the peace of the Holy Spirit steel you to face the difficult circumstances of your life?