Going Deeper… (Ecclesiastes 8:10-17)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Ecclesiastes 8:10-17), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [10-13] Maybe you’ve heard it said, “Break the rules—just don’t get caught.” Ecclesiastes is saying, if you break the rules and don’t get caught, you’re more likely to continue to break the rules. Why is this? Why do people break rules? Why do people sin and commit evil deeds? Will it go well for people whose hearts pull them toward sin, so long as they think no one is watching or there will be no judgment for their sin? Does God actually overlook sin, or does he keep an account? “It will be well with those who fear God, because they fear before him.” Does God want us to fear him? What do you think it means to fear the Lord? Why do you think that? Why would someone fear the Lord? What is there for us to fear about God? How does the fear of God change the way you live?
  • [14] Do you believe that the righteous should be rewarded? Do you believe that the wicked should be punished? Why or why not? How do you feel when the righteous suffer and when the wicked enjoy life? If it bothers you, what do you do about it? How do you feel about the fact that Jesus Christ the Righteous suffered “according to the deeds of the wicked,” suffered what sinners deserved? How do you feel about the fact that sinners who trust in Christ are rewarded “according to the deeds of the righteous,” freely receiving what Jesus alone deserves? Is this fair and good?
  • [15-17] Ecclesiastes commends joy, even though we cannot understand everything God does. Ultimately, this joy is found in trusting God’s promises as fulfilled in Christ. Do you believe you can understand everything God does? Do you believe you have a right to understand everything God does? Do you feel the need to sort out all the things you don’t understand before you could have peace and joy? Can you trust in God’s unfathomable wisdom? Does hearing from God in his Word and relating to him in prayer help you with the cognitive dissonances that are common in life? How does someone deal with the pain and frustration of life apart from God, apart from trusting in Jesus?