Resources: “John’s Gospel”



John wrote his beautiful Gospel “so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (20:31). This book has served as a life-transforming introduction to Jesus for countless skeptics and new believers throughout history. Seasoned lovers of Scripture return to it with joy, celebrating its elegant depths. Theologians have discovered the rich treasures of the knowledge of God in its pages. God speaks to his people, and he has something glorious to say to you! Come and hear it as we study John’s Gospel together.

These are some recommended* resources that might be referenced during this series. Take a look, follow along via online sermons, and invite a friend to visit with us for the series!

(*Disclaimer: it should go without saying, but simply because a resource is recommended doesn’t mean every view promoted by the resource is being endorsed. If you need to know that everything someone says is 100% biblical before you’re comfortable listening to him at all, you’ll never be comfortable—not even with yourself. By God’s grace, we can learn good and true things from all kinds of people.)