Resources: “The Holy Spirit”

The Holy Spirit

The God of the Christian Scriptures has revealed himself to be Triune—one God in three Persons: the Father, the Son (Jesus), and… the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the Third Person of the Trinity; he is God himself, fully God, the whole God. That sounds important! So why does it seem like we know so little about him? Actually, the Holy Spirit is everywhere in the New Testament (and in the whole Bible, really), whether explicitly or implicitly. Yet, it’s so easy for us to miss him and misunderstand him. He is a mysterious “figure,” a different way of being a Person than either the Father or the Son. Maybe it shouldn’t surprise us that it would be difficult to wrap our minds around the Triune God! But there are some wonderful things to be known about the Holy Spirit who has been given to Christians. Knowing him means knowing God; knowing his work means knowing God’s work. The communion of the Holy Spirit profoundly enriches our lives with God and each other. “The Spirit and the Bride say, ‘Come'” (Rev. 22:17). Come hear a seven-week series on the Holy Spirit!

These are some recommended* resources that might be referenced during this series. Take a look, follow along via online sermons, and invite a friend to visit with us for the series!

(*Disclaimer: it should go without saying, but simply because a resource is recommended doesn’t mean every view promoted by the resource is being endorsed. If you need to know that everything someone says is 100% biblical before you’re comfortable listening to him at all, you’ll never be comfortable—not even with yourself. By God’s grace, we can learn good and true things from all kinds of people.)