Men’s Breakfast: “God’s Only Son”

Join us at the Costa home at 7:30am Sat., Apr. 2 for our monthly men’s breakfast as we discuss a portion of the Apostles’ Creed. Click here to read some thoughts to kickstart our conversation. Invite a friend! RSVP to Eric.

Kapic on Eschatology

“A Trinitarian eschatological vision of communion with God will see the birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension and return of the Christ as the very point of eschatology—the distinctly Christian hope in God. This eschatological hope is driven not by abstract reflections about time, nor by doomsday cultural observations, but by looking to the person and… Read more »

Confession of Faith

The oldest known Confession of Faith used by the Christian Church is this: “Jesus is Lord.” Simple, yet profound. There’s a lot going on in those words. Those words get unpacked and expounded in the longer creeds, confessions, and Christian theology in general. Here is a redux meant to display a few facets of the original gem (originally posted here). Please feel free to use it in personal or public Worship.

(Jn. 20:28; Rom. 10:9; 1 Cor. 12:3; Eph. 4:5; Phil. 2:6-11)

What does God the Father want you to know and trust?
Jesus Christ is Lord!

What does God the Spirit enable you to confess and proclaim?
Jesus Christ is Lord!

What is the grace and truth of the revelation of God?
Jesus Christ is Lord!

Who is the Lord of your life?
Jesus Christ is Lord!

Who is the Lord of the church?
Jesus Christ is Lord!

Who is the Lord of heaven and earth?
Jesus Christ is Lord, and there is no other! Amen.

Men’s Breakfast: “Jesus Christ”

Join us at the Costa home at 7:30am Sat., Mar. 5 for our monthly men’s breakfast as we discuss a portion of the Apostles’ Creed. Click here to read some thoughts to kickstart our conversation. Invite a friend! RSVP to Eric.

Prayer Home Group 4

Here is a document (pdf) for our February 28 home group meeting.

Learning from the Handicapped

“Looking to those persons we are inclined to overlook… may throw light on who and what the human person is in Trinitarian perspective. Those who are wounded and weak, the last, littlest, and least in church and society, can be instructive in what it means to be human. They draw attention to forgotten and marginalized… Read more »