Going Deeper… (Zephaniah 3:14-20)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Zephaniah 3:14-20), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion… [14-15] Jesus said to his disciples, just before his death and resurrection, “You have sorrow now, but I will see you again, and your hearts will rejoice, and no one will take… Read more »

Going Deeper… (Micah 5:1-5a)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Micah 5:1-5a), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion… [1] Judah is at war with Assyria because Judah is at war with God. What do we mean when we say that sinners are at war with God? What are some… Read more »

Advent 2016

  Advent means “coming.” During Advent the church looks back to the first coming of Christ into the world, and ahead to his return as he brings his Kingdom with him. This year we’re looking at important biblical themes using the candles of the Advent wreath. We’ll focus mainly on prophetic texts, written centuries before the first… Read more »

Men’s Breakfast: “He Descended into Hell”

Join us at the Costa home at 7:30am Sat., Dec. 3 for our monthly men’s breakfast as we discuss a portion of the Apostles’ Creed. Click here to read some thoughts to kickstart our conversation. Invite a friend! RSVP to Eric.

Going Deeper… (Daniel 7:1-18)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Daniel 7:1-18), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion… Hope is “believing that something will happen” in a way that affords us confidence, peace, and even joy in whatever present circumstances we face. In Daniel’s vision, the prophetic revelation of the… Read more »

Going Deeper… (John 3:22-36)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (John 3:22-36), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion… [24] The reference to John’s imprisonment not only provides a timeframe for the passage and casts these events in a foreboding light; it also indicates a strongly possible trajectory for all those who “bear witness”… Read more »

Nouwen on the Temptation to Power

“One of the greatest ironies of the history of Christianity is that its leaders constantly gave in to the temptation of power—political power, military power, economic power, or moral and spiritual power—even though they continued to speak in the name of Jesus, who did not cling to his divine power but emptied himself and became… Read more »

Going Deeper… (John 18:33-40)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (John 18:33-40), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion… [36] “My kingdom is not of this world.” Do you perceive the clash between two different paradigms of power, two different kinds of kingdoms, in the meeting of Jesus and Pilate? What characterizes… Read more »