Going Deeper… (Matthew 3:1-12)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Matthew 3:1-12), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • God sent John the Baptist with a message/ministry/baptism of repentance. “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand” (v. 2) means that we are to repent based on the good news of who Jesus is and what he came to do, the good news or “gospel of the kingdom of God” (Matthew 4:23; 9:35; 24:14). What do you think repentance is, and why do you think that? Do you enjoy repentance? Why or why not? Does the proclamation of God’s kingdom in Christ strike you as good news that motivates repentance?
  • Christian repentance isn’t just behavior modification, it is a turning of the heart toward God in Christ. Have you thought of it this way before? What are some specific sins you can think of that you need to repent of? What is appealing to you about those sins—why are you tempted to do them? Can you think of how you might turn, at a heart level, toward God, toward Christ, toward the kingdom of heaven, and away from these sins? Can you believe that God is better than your sin? Can you believe that God forgives sinners, that he welcomes back rebels who repent and return to him through faith in Jesus? What might it look like in your life to “bear fruit in keeping with repentance” (v. 8)?
  • The self-righteous religious leaders made themselves Jesus’ enemies—they were the “brood of vipers” or “offspring of the serpent” who opposed the “offspring of the woman” (Genesis 3:15). They presumed to rely upon themselves, on their own righteousness, and on their heritage as “Abraham’s children” (v. 9; see also John 8:39-47). They thought they didn’t need to repent. They sought to be able to stand for themselves before God, which means that actually they were standing against God and his Messiah. Are you tempted to be self-reliant in any way before God? Do you enjoy being utterly dependent on God as your heavenly Father? Do you know your need for the mercy and grace of Jesus? Why is self-righteousness so antithetical to the kingdom of God?
  • FOR THE CHILDREN: Jesus is the King of God’s Kingdom… What do you know about Jesus? Is he good? Do you like him? Is he okay hanging out with bad people, if they say they’re sorry and ask for his forgiveness? Have you told him you’re sorry and asked for his forgiveness for anything?