Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (John 18:33-40), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…
- [36] “My kingdom is not of this world.” Do you perceive the clash between two different paradigms of power, two different kinds of kingdoms, in the meeting of Jesus and Pilate? What characterizes Jesus’ kingdom/power/glory over against those of the political rulers of this world? Which do you think is more important or effective in addressing the world’s problems?
- [37] Jesus came, not to take a position relative to the world’s politics, but “to bear witness to the truth” of his kingdom, which will be compelling for those who are “of the truth” (i.e., born of God). Do you hear Christ’s voice? That is, do you recognize God in him and obey him as your Lord? What does it mean to be a citizen of his kingdom when it comes to addressing the deep issues in the world that need addressing, that worldly politics will fail to address? How does the proclamation of reconciliation to God in Christ address divisions between people groups and the demonization of opponents? How are we who live in his kingdom to treat those who are different from us in various ways? How should we care for the marginalized, outcast, and strangers (immigrants) in our society? How is the church the place where these issues can truly be resolved?
- [38-40] Jesus lost the popular vote—and died—and it didn’t affect his Lordship. In fact, it was his otherworldly “political strategy” (see John 10:17-18). Does this give you courage to live for the truth of his kingdom in the face of world power systems that are hostile to his kingdom? (Read Psalm 2.)