“The Princeton Proposal” On Ephesians

“The Epistle to the Ephesians presents the whole Christian mystery as the mystery of God’s unification of all things in Christ (1:10), which takes form most concretely in the reconciliation of Jew and Gentile “in one body through the cross” (2:16). This reconciliation, which already has taken place in the person of the crucified and risen Jesus (1:20-23; 2:4-7; 2:13-16), demands that we live in a way conformed to this reconciliation. Christian mission is the building-up of a new community in which those who were divided are now reconciled as a temple in which God may dwell on the earth (2:21-22). Ephesians thus sketches an amazing cosmic vision in which the very meaning and destiny of creation are displayed in the life of small Christian assemblies in which Jew and Gentile struggle to live together with Christ as their peace.”

— In One Body Through The Cross: The Princeton Proposal For Christian Unity