Going Deeper… (Psalm 46)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Psalm 46), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [1] Do you always feel that God is “a very present help in trouble,” or do you have to believe it? Why are we justified in believing that he is readily found when we are in trouble? Are you currently “in trouble”? What kind of trouble? How is God your refuge, strength, very present help, and fortress (7, 11)?
  • [2-3] These verses picture the world being undone in God’s judgment. Because God is our refuge, “we will not fear” the most terrible things—even his judgments! This is something we contend or assert that helps us not to be afraid when we might normally be afraid. How could we be right to say we don’t fear God’s judgment? Are you ever afraid of what God is doing in your life? What are your fears? How do you proclaim the Gospel against your instinctive fears?
  • [4-5] Read Genesis 2:8-14; Ezekiel 47:1-12; John 4:14; 7:38; Revelation 7:17; 22:1-2. Why do you think the Holy Spirit is described as a river (of the water of life)? Who is glad for this river, according to passages like these?
  • [6-11] The nations “rage” just like the waters of the sea “roar” in verse 3 (the same root word in Hebrew). But God will still them. What aspects of this war-world do you long to see God bring to an end? What do you think it will be like when he finally says “Peace! Be still!” to all nations once and for all? Do you see a glimmer of this peace in the church? Is there anyone in your life that could really use the Good News right now that God is a Peacemaker?