Going Deeper… (Psalm 14)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (Psalm 14), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [1] “The fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.'” “Every sin is a kind of practical atheism—it is acting as if God were not there” (Timothy Keller). Think through the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) and the Two Great Commandments given by Jesus (Matthew 22:37-39)… How is one saying with the heart, “There is no God,” when violating each of these commandments? Think through the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)… How is one denying God from the heart when not bearing this Fruit? How is one denying God when living with constant fear, anxiety, worry, self-pity, or just plain forgetting God and living prayerlessly throughout the day? Considering some of your own sins, what are some ways you regularly deny God from the heart? (Confess this to God.)
  • [2-3] This is poetry, but not hyperbole. Jesus said, “No one is good except God alone” (Mark 10:18). Paul charged all people, universally, with sin when he quoted this Psalm in Romans 3. Do you think you understand, you seek after God, you do good? Or do you think you have corrupted God’s image just like everyone else has? If someone were to ask you what you thought was wrong with the world, would you say, “I am”?
  • [4] The “fool” who lives as if God were not real doesn’t know his own need, doesn’t call upon the Lord. In what ways do you need Jesus? In what ways do you live as if you didn’t need Jesus? How often would you say you are aware of your need for Jesus and calling on his name?
  • [5-6] The “fool” who denies God has set himself against God (and God’s people), and therefore ultimately has no peace, no security, but in the end only terror, because he has no refuge from God. God’s people, however, have God himself as their refuge. Why would you seek refuge from the Triune God of love, when you could find refuge in him? Where would you look for refuge from God? What do you think it will look like for fools to live in eternal terror of the Triune God of love? What do you think it will look like for God to live with the righteous forever?
  • [7] Zion is the place where God dwells with his people, having atoned for their foolish sin, having restored them to love, having saved them from themselves. This means joy and gladness. “From its very beginning Christianity has been the proclamation of joy” (Alexander Schmemann). Have you known the joy of restoration, in spite of your foolish sin? Have you shared the joy of your salvation with others? Who do you know who needs this joy, and how can you share it with them?