Going Deeper… (John 8:48-59)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (John 8:48-59), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [50, 54] Even Jesus doesn’t glorify himself, doesn’t “make himself” to be somebody or establish his own identity. Jesus receives his identity and glory from the Father. Do you feel pressure to create an identity and get glory for yourself? Why? How do you go about that project? How’s that going for you?
  • [56] (Read Genesis 12:1-3) God introduced himself to Abraham as the one who would bless, establish, and glorify Abraham, making Abraham like God, treating him like his own Son, sending him out to bless others. In Christ, this is how God reveals himself to you; he treats you like he treats his own Son. How does God’s gift of your identity and glory in Christ change your approach to your life’s pursuits? Can you accept this gift of identity and glory? What does the Father’s glorification of his Son look like in the Gospel?
  • [58] What is your response to Jesus’ claim to be God? Do you understand why people reject—even violently—this claim?