Going Deeper… (John 6:1-15)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (John 6:1-15), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [5-6] With his question Jesus was testing Philip. What is the nature of the test? Can you relate to Philip in the response he gave? How could Philip have responded in a way that “passed” the test? In what ways are you similarly tested in your relationship with Christ?
  • [11] Out of the Lord’s thanksgiving comes the Bread that means life for the world. How is Christ’s unique relationship with the Father our Bread? What aspect of Christ’s relationship with the Father has been especially meaningful to you lately? Can you imagine conversations in which you would distribute this Bread to others, discuss aspects of Christ’s Sonship with non-Christians in ways that would satisfy their deep hungers?
  • [14-15] There’s something wrong about the crowd’s desire to see Jesus made king. Why do they want this? What’s wrong with it? What does Jesus’ response reveal? How should we think about his Kingship? How does the Kingdom of God interact with the kingdoms of this world?