Going Deeper… (John 4:1-26)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (John 4:1-26), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [6-7] Jesus was weary and asked the Samaritan woman for a drink of water. The church confesses that Jesus is fully God and fully human, two distinct natures in one person. What is some of the significance of the fact that God reveals himself in the full humanity of Jesus? Why did God become man?
  • [9-10] The Samaritan woman is an outcast among outcasts. She feels her life to be defined by rejection. Do you feel that way? Do you fear rejection, that if people really knew you they would shun you? Have you turned to Christ and received the free gift of God’s acceptance in him? Who are those you are tempted to reject, like people rejected the Samaritan woman? Who are the “untouchables” in our society? In the church? How can we move toward these people with Gospel acceptance?
  • [23-24] To “worship the Father in spirit and truth” is a Trinitarian statement. J. B. Torrance wrote, “Worship is the gift of participating through the Spirit in the incarnate Son’s communion with the Father.” This is what worship is, because God is who he is (v. 24). Does this vision of worship make sense to you? Does it strike you as Good News? How is this paradigm reflected in our public worship? In your personal worship? In your daily life? In how you talk about the Gospel with others?