Going Deeper… (John 2:23-25)

Here are some questions based on last Sunday’s sermon text (John 2:23-25), in case they’re helpful to you for personal growth or group discussion…

  • [23] Biblically, “to believe” and “to trust” are the same thing (Greek, pisteuō). Faith or trust is “confident dependence upon another for your good,” a personal-relational concept. Many believed/trusted in Jesus “when they saw the signs that he was doing.” Why should you—or anyone in the world—believe/trust in Jesus? Whom do you wish you could trust for your deep good? Does trusting Jesus satisfy your need to trust someone to watch out for your good? Is collectively trusting Jesus a sufficient ground for true community?
  • [24-25] Jesus knows us too well to trust us, but he loved us and gave himself for us anyway. How does it feel to consider yourself ultimately untrustworthy? How is trust distinct from love? How is Jesus able to love people like you without trusting them? Are you able to do that? What might that look like in some of your relationships?
  • Becoming vulnerable with others can seem like a big risk. Why? Is it a risk to be vulnerable with Jesus? Why or why not? Could your security in Christ, whom you do trust, make you able to risk vulnerability with others, whom you do not trust?